What results can I expect?

There are many factors that go into what kind of results a Click2Sell customer can expect. Things like length of sales cycle, company name recognition and reputation, warmth of contacts being used, quality of contacts being added, type of business and service being represented, content, etc. all directly affect Click2Sell’s statistics. Most of our clients experience very high reply percentages. Typically, 20-45% of the contacts you enter into Click2Sell will eventually respond. We have seen up to an 80% response rate over the life of campaigns. Of the contacts who respond the largest percentage with fall into our Cycle and Follow Up reply actions (opportunity for future sales dialog). A smaller percentage will fall into Remove and Inactive and the final percentage will be active Meetings or sales dialog. Roughly a customer can expect 40-70% of their replies to be Cycle and Follow Up. 10-30% to be Inactive/Remove and 10-30% to be Meetings or active sales dialog.